How Often Should I Change the Air Filter at My Home?

furnace filter change mt olive il

How Often Should I Change the Air Filter at My Home? Maintaining good air quality in your home is important, especially when you’ve got a heating and cooling system. This is why you should regularly change the air filter in your furnace. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of keeping a fresh air […]

Reasons You Can’t Skip Your Yearly Furnace Check in Gillespie, IL

the importance of furnace inspections gillespie illinois

The Importance of Furnace Inspections Taking care of your expensive investments is always important, but that’s especially true when it comes to your furnace. Having the furnace in your Gillespie, IL, home inspected yearly not only helps it last longer, but it also helps prevent problems that could pose a risk to you and your […]

Learn Tips From The Professionals About Keeping Your Home Heated in Hillsboro Illinois

heating tips for your home in hillsboro illinois

Tips for Home Heating During winter, people switch on their heating system and keeping your home warm usually accounts for an increase in energy consumption. Whereas having an energy-efficient system is essential, it also helps in a reduction in carbon gases emission. The following heating tips will help you scale down on energy use while […]

Furnace Maintenance Before the Winter in Taylor Springs, Illinois

furnace maintenance tips to prepare for the winter in taylor springs illinois

Furnace Maintenance to Do before Winter Starts One of the worst things to deal with during winter in Taylor Springs, Illinois, is a furnace breakdown. The cold days and nights are frustrating. They can affect the quality of your work and health. Before the cold season comes, you should do everything to ensure that you […]

What is SEER & how does it relate to your Gillespie, IL heating system?

heating contractor gillespie il

Here’s what homeowners should know about SEER & their HVAC systems Professional heating contractors will help you choose a new heating system with the optimum SEER rating for your needs. The efficiency of a geothermal heating unit, home furnace, boiler, or heat pump depends on various factors including the system, ductwork and more. Although SEER […]

What does AFUE stand for? How does it relate to HVAC?

Heating AFUE St. Louis

Here’s what you should know about AFUE & HVAC As HVAC technology improves, so does the availability of heaters and air conditioners. Manufactured in countless different shapes and sizes, there are plenty of options out there from which to choose. But how you can you make a choice that’s right for both your home and […]

Carlinville, IL HVAC: What are the different types of heating systems?

central heating furnace carlinville il

Here are all the different types of home heating systems The winters in Carlinville, IL can be unpredictable. From mild spells to weeks of frigid temperatures and snow, you have seen it all. When it’s time to replace your old furnace, it’s important to choose a heating system that can handle extreme conditions. But there […]

What’s the difference between 1-stage and 2-stage furnaces?

new furnace macoupin county il

Here’s what you need to know about 1-Stage & 2-Stage Furnaces It can be difficult in this age of high-efficiency awareness to find a heating system to replace your old unit. Heating contractors in Macoupin County, IL can help you navigate the jargon of modern technology, whether you decide to go with a heat pump, […]

Steps for DIY Duct Cleaning in Staunton, IL

air duct cleaning staunton il

The same pollutants trapped in your air filter also stick to the walls of your ductwork. It’s not enough to simply change your air filters; sometimes, you need deep ductwork cleaning. If you’ve never performed an air duct cleaning yourself, learn the basic steps you need to take to get the job done. DIY Air […]

Diagnosing HVAC system problems in Staunton, IL

HVAC system problems staunton il

When your HVAC system is not working properly, its energy efficiency decreases. Having an energy-efficient system saves money on heating and cooling costs; however, it also improves the comfort of your home. When your HVAC system is not operating correctly, it can be frustrating trying to figure out what is wrong. Below are four of […]

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