How will my Carlinville, IL home benefit from a smart thermostat?

smart thermostat for accuracy and efficiency in the home

Here’s why you need a smart thermostat Many people in the Carlinville, IL area still use an analog thermostat to control the temperature in their homes. While these are still functional, they’re very outdated and could be costing you more than you think. While there may be some resistance to install a new thermostat, you […]

Why should I switch from my analog thermostat in Hillsboro, IL

analog thermostat

Here’s why you should ditch that old analog thermostat When you change the temperature at your home, do you press a button, touch a screen or turn a dial? If it’s one of the first two, you’re in good shape. But, if it’s the last one, what are you doing? The truth is, there are […]

What does AFUE stand for? How does it relate to HVAC?

Heating AFUE St. Louis

Here’s what you should know about AFUE & HVAC As HVAC technology improves, so does the availability of heaters and air conditioners. Manufactured in countless different shapes and sizes, there are plenty of options out there from which to choose. But how you can you make a choice that’s right for both your home and […]

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